Eastern Freeway

Eastern Freeway – Burke to Tram Alliance

The Eastern Freeway Burke to Tram (BTA) is one part of multiple packages of the Eastern Freeway Project. The North, South, East and West Packages are known collectively as the Freeway Packages and will deliver connectivity between the M80 Ring Road and the North East Link Tunnels, (Central Package) including upgrades to the Eastern Freeway and delivery of the Doncaster Busway between Doncaster Park and Ride and Hoddle Street.
Key Features of the South package – Eastern Freeway Burke to Tram include
-Upgrade to existing Eastern freeway over 6.5km
-Bulleen Interchange interfacing with the Central package
-Doncaster Interchange
-New dedicated Doncaster busway and Collector-Distributors
-Noise walls, retaining walls and shred user paths along the length
-Pedestrian bridges and underpasses
-Utilities relocations and protection works

The Burke to Tram Alliance (BTA) comprising of Laing O’Rourke, Symal, WSP and Arcadis and the head client (MRPV).

Works involved:
-Completion of barriers and Gantry FRP works for the centre medium line of the Eastern Freeway Burke to Tram Alliance.
-Completion of friction Slab
-Capping beams on freeway medium strip and sewer shafts
-Install of precast freeway barriers
-Completion on concrete barrier infills
-Concrete pavement works
-Miscellaneous concrete works

Equipment & efficiencies utilised:
Bridgecon self-fabricated all steel formwork systems and steel moulds to utilise maximum performance to complete the uniquely shaped barriers.
Site & project engineer, site foreman dedicated to site with presents of the project to ensure coordination/communication and consistency of work quality was kept to the highest standard.